We enjoyed a pleasant sail from Peel to Dun Laoghare and skipped leisurely down the beautiful Irish coast to Arklow whilst reuniting our discerning palettes with the familiar taste of a ‘proper’ Guinness. Our last leg of our Irish adventure was to prove somewhat more challenging. We headed for Kilmore with a storm on our heels and were, despite our best efforts, caught in it’s clutches as we neared our destination. However our spirits were high and we were almost in safe harbour… when Barry appeared above deck with a bucket of water in hand… I thought nothing of it until his second trip past me ejecting a watery liquid overboard. I of course enquired as to his purpose and was met with a nonchalant smile. Steven then arrived and curtly announced that “There is no more effective bilge pump than a frightened man with a bucket”. Agreeing wholeheartedly I disappeared below to find a bucket. Luckily, as Barry deduced by having a quick taste the offending water was from our own 600 litre supply and not from outwith the boat. Cheered by this happy thought we commenced bailing as the storm raged above and Kilmore reared its head. After some soggy bailing in the high seas we approached Kilmore to find that the harbour entrance was not for the faint hearted and “should not be attempted at night or in foul weather” so in the dead of night in the foulest weather we entered the harbour. Luckily with some deft, last minute maneuvering by our captain we made safe harbour to the great relief of all. After mooring and heaving a joint sigh of relief, we did the only thing we could given the circumstances. We went to the pub for a Guinness. The locals were very friendly and sympathetic “you got the shit kicked out of you out there” and “You’ll not be going anywhere til christmas” were just a couple of the comments heard across the quaint(and only) bar in the village. When we announced confidently that we’d be on our way the next day we were met by sniggers and a suggestion that we may have been under the influence of something other than alcohol. However we remained confident and undeterred and presently(after a week of hanging around in the pub, making repairs and of course, Guinness) we were on our merry way once more!